2021 FUND FOR COVID SOLIDARITY – Open call for proposals
Frequently asked questions
Can the application be submitted in another language than English?
No. The application form must be completed in English. Supporting documents can be sent in your national language. These documents are Proof of legal registration/Articles of association, most recent Annual report (if available), most recent Operating Budget (2021), Financial Statements for the past 2 years (2019&2020) and Bank ID form
Our multinational jury will work in English as a common language. We also anticipate an interactive session with grantees in English later on. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Can I apply if my budget is below 60 000€?
In the call for proposals, it is noted that “the funding will range from 30 000€ – 50 000€ per grant (grant requests should not exceed 50% of the organization’s budget)”. Organisations with a budget smaller than 60 000€ cannot apply to the call for proposals. These considerations are based on your provisional budget for 2022.
What thematic area should an organisation select if it is working on more than one?
If an organization works on several of the areas listed, it needs to choose the main one or the one the project refers to. If this is not possible, the organisation should choose “Other” and then in the narrative part of the application provide additional information.
How many organisations will be funded through the call for proposals?
We expect to fund between 12 to 15 organisations.
Can an organisation based in the European Union but operating outside of the EU be eligible? What about an organisation based outside the EU but operating inside the EU?
An organisation based in the European Union but operating outside the EU is not eligible to our “2021 Fund for Covid Solidarity” call for proposals. An organisation based outside the EU but operating in the EU is also not eligible. The aim of the Alliance is to support and resource gender equality and women’s rights initiatives in the European Union.